Παρασκευή 16 Οκτωβρίου 2015

The agreement with the difficult name that could involve literally everything: TTIP, Part One

The agreement with the difficult name that could involve literally everything: TTIP, Part One

In 2014, the tobacco company Philip Morris sued Uruguay, a country of 3.4 million people because he made more stringent anti-smoking law, protecting public health, as the country's government in the 550-page text of the defense. The lawsuit was based on a bilateral agreement. The case marked "David vs. Goliath" by the Uruguayan Public Health Ministry, and is currently in the courts. Critics TTIP agreement warn that if it applied such assumptions may no longer be rare.

By mobilizing the Constitution on 10 October
By mobilizing the Constitution on 10 October
Battle Margaritis

We meet Saturday morning in the Constitution. There, they organize their protest. 53 players. They are not their own. The same day, around the world, hundreds of thousands of people protesting against the Transatlantic Partnership Trade and Investment. Or else, TTIP.

Citizens protest in central Berlin against TTIP CETA and agreements
Citizens protest in central Berlin against TTIP CETA and agreements
The greatest concentration is in Berlin. 250,000 people go on the road, say the organizers, 150,000, authorities say.

"It's the biggest protest has seen this country for many-many years." Christophe Baoutz, head of Campact movement.
The size of the resistance surprised the government Merkel, wrote the British Guardian and the agency Reuters.

Back in the Constitution, the initiative STOP TTIP CETA talks, read announcements and inform people walking shopping Ermou. Many stop, they ask their neighbor "what is this deal?", And get the information material that is the point. A few days later, we meet in the city center Kostas Fotinaki, coordinator of the initiative, and Orestes Kolokouri member of the network Radical Ecology. To discuss quieter, ask, and learn more about this deal.

-I Want to ask you first if there are official figures from talks on TTIP. There are documents, there is access to the negotiations?

Costas Fotinakis: Some data are given, some leaked, but not all. And therefore reason, Wikileaks looking to find documents, has stated that whoever goes important elements not know, will pay 100,000 euros.

Have you heard of TTIP; If your answer is no, do not worry much. That is the goal. (title of the British Independent on 12 October)
-Who Is the main objective of this agreement?

KF I believe that the main objective of the agreements is what obstacle exists, what creates problems for the profitability of multinationals, there is no longer anything to protect the environment, protect employees who can be considered prejudicial to profitability, there are no these obstacles. Specifically, the president of the German metal industry union said that if they implement the labor laws in force in the US to Europe, would in fact there is only one such law: the prohibition of child labor. There will be no labor rights.

Orestes Kolokouris: Essentially this is. Economic governance will be above any political power.

-There Is a study of the Research Centre for Economic Policy -for account Komision- saying that the agreement will bring EUR 119 billion a year in the EU and 95 in the US. That consumers will benefit from the abolition of tariffs on products such as cars or jeans. What do you think about this?

KF The information we have is by John Hilary, a researcher who has written the book on TTIP, is for us an important adviser, the institution War On Want, which says that there will be no benefit. And obviously, research centers must demonstrate that they will lead to new jobs that will be benefit for societies.

ICs There are some studies that indicate some financial information. The same hiding other information. As the loss of about one million jobs in Europe.

-This It will happen?

ICs Why would strengthen the multinationals and closed micro, simple. Small producers will be closed, in Greece for example is a primary production, this will be concentrated in centers that have huge areas that have been the seed from mutant and the purchase every time he will not be able to reproduce it, you are completely dependent, and the strongest will survive.

European Commission estimates that by the 2027, the TTIP could grow the size of the European economy by 94 billion pounds, writes Guardian. Instead, an economic study by Jeronim Capaldo, the Global Development and Environment Insitute at Tufts University argues that the econometric model of the European Commission is childish, and that in fact the TTIP will hit Europe. The Kapalnto expects to lose 600,000 jobs in the EU resulted in a fall in European exports and a reduction in personal income for European citizens.

-When We say greater harmonization of regulations between EU and USA, what do we mean? Today, for example, they have different rules to test the safety of cars and drugs. With this agreement what is likely to happen?

We communicate with the organization Greenpeace, taking part in the campaign against TTIP. Elena Danalis, Head of Greenpeace's campaign for sustainable agriculture, says if you pass the TTIP will mean the end of democracy in Europe. The TTIP gives special powers to the largest multinational companies in the world, not just to influence, but to shape the legislation primarily oriented to maximize their profit. Whatever we consider important in our daily life, economic activity, social achievements and our individual rights will be determined by TTIP. The safety of our food, the environment, our health, labor rights, our privacy will all (de) regulated by TTIP. A typical example: if a government passed legislation prohibiting the cultivation of GM on its territory, the agrotechnologias may exert billion lawsuit against the government in this Arbitration (ISDS) provided through TTIP. Similar actions could exert businesses at a time, eg a country vote legislation to reduce pollutants, tobacco control, collective agreements, etc. Already more than 3.2 million European citizens seeking to stop TTIP.K.F. We in the food sector major changes. In Europe, GM prohibited. And their production, and their disposal at least unlabelled. This does not apply to the US.

-You Can easily reach, mean, mutant in the European market?

KF Certainly, it is considered an obstacle to the movement of goods of the other contracting side, US, viz. Another very important issue is the fattening of cattle. In the European Union prohibited the fattening of cattle with hormones. In America allowed.

-The So-called growth hormones?

KF Yes, too, has to do with the maintenance of poultry.

-Opote, So far the largest share of the US meat can not reach the European market.

KF No, he could not.

-But now;

KF You can, if applied. It also has to do with the trade in poultry. There processed poultry, to allocate them with a kind of chlorine. What the European Union is prohibited.

... And a few more details

In the food industry, the American regulations are much less stringent, writes the British newspaper Independent. 70% of processed foods on supermarket shelves in the US today contain genetically modified ingredients. Instead, the EU almost prohibits GE foods. The US has fewer restrictions on the use of insecticides. In Europe, a company must show that a substance is safe before it is used. In the US, the opposite is true. Any substance can be used until proven unsafe. For example, the EU currently prohibits 1,200 substances in cosmetics. The United States, just 12.

The TTIP agreement supports the British government, and so German. The size of the mobilization Saturday in Berlin, however, against the agreement, writes agency Reuters, highlights the government Merkel "the challenge to turn the tide in favor of the agreement." It is no coincidence that on the day of events around the world against TTIP, many German newspapers were publishing a full-page letter from the German Economy Minister Gabriel, which spoke of 'opportunity to set new and good rules to the developing world trade. "

View directly questioning the opponents of the agreement. Like, John Hilary, executive director of Campaign War on Want and professor emeritus of the University of Nottingham, who has described "attack in European and American societies by supranational organizations."

Tomorrow, we discuss with the members of the initiative STOP TTIP for "dispute settlement mechanism between investors and the state", causing the biggest reactions. Moreover, the terms of MSF on possible consequences in health and medicine, what happened in the vote on July 8th at the European Parliament and the then protests, the signatures and the request of the initiative to Greek MPs and MEPs.

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