Πέμπτη 15 Οκτωβρίου 2015

Found alien superstructure in nearby star in our galaxy

Found alien superstructure in nearby star in our galaxy

What scientists say the technologically advanced civilization identified by the Kepler telescope.

One case, which if ultimately confirmed, would cause huge shocks to humanity and will redefine the hierarchy of priorities of our world, brought to light astronomers Kepler Space Telescope.

As support, they identified a star system close to our galaxy, which resembles a huge alien superstructure, which could refer to a technological civilization far more advanced than the earth! "A large cluster of objects in space look like something that could be made of alien culture ", stressed astronomers Kepler, while Jason Wright of Penn State University released a report on a" strange, "as characterized the star system, which seems to contain a swarm of superstructures .

"I am ecstatic at how crazy it may seem all this," said Wright, adding "definitely aliens should be the last case we can consider, but it looks like something only extraterrestrial civilizations could build." This discovery took the codename KIC 8462852, while the stellar system is close to the Milky Way between the constellations "Swan" and "Lyra" .The first time attracted the attention of astronomers in 2009, when the Kepler telescope found planets that were very similar to Earth. But KIC 8462852 exhibited completely separate items, which increased sharply in the interest of scientists.

The Tampetha Bogiatzian, University Gieil said that "we have never seen something like this before. It was really strange. Initially we thought it was wrong data that sends our computer from spacecraft, but checked in everything and we did not find anything wrong. "

This star is surrounded by young planets, just like our own sun.

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