Κυριακή 6 Μαρτίου 2016

Greece has a girlfriend in Serbia

Greece has a girlfriend in Serbia

Greece has a friend in Serbia, "said Minister of Labour Minister of Employment, Sporting and Social issues of Serbia Mr. Aleksandar Voulin, national coordinator responsible for immigration and refugee matters of judgment.

Specifically, in response to press reports about some Greek media representations of Athens to Belgrade regarding the refugee crisis, the chairman of the Working Group for Resolving Issues Mixed Migratory Flows and Labour Minister, Employment, Social and Sporting Serbia issues k.Alexantar Voulin made the following announcement:

"Serbia from the beginning of the refugee crisis it calls for a unified European approach to resolve it. In all the meetings in the organization of Serbia, and invited representatives of Greece and all the other countries affected by the crisis, trying working together to find a common solution.

We believe that only by working together and by refraining from unilateral actions can not manage migration flows and to help each country affected, but also people fleeing from war.

Greece has in Serbia a girlfriend willing to participate in the joint solution and this effort should not be missing any of the countries along the migration route.

That is why Serbia asks for EU funds intended to help to resolve the refugee crisis be available in countries outside the European Union, but they face the same problems as if they are the same members. Greece and Serbia have good and friendly relations, which will continue to grow.

Serbia faces responsibly refugees, its neighbors and its citizens. Our policy is clear and unequivocal: as the other migration route countries behave, especially countries that are recipients of refugees, so they behave and Serbia. "

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