Τρίτη 28 Μαρτίου 2017

Turkey is sliding in absolutism, said supreme commander of NATO forces in Europe

A few days before the visit of US Secretary of State Rex Tilerson in Ankara and his meeting with Turkish President Retzep Tagip Erntogan, General Curtis Skaparoti supreme commander of NATO forces in Europe (Saceur) told the US Congress that believes that Turkey is sliding in authoritarianism.

"To be honest, there is some concern, given the drift towards autocracy" said Skaparoti the Armed Services Committee of the House of Representatives.

The Skaparoti noted that Turkey remains a US ally and the two countries cooperate in combating terrorism and strengthening business in Syria the Western coalition forces, the US-led.

"We work well in this area, but I have my concerns," he added.

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